Guten Morgen readers!
I'm just waking up and want to blog while this dream is still fresh in my mind. so I'm just going to dive right into the madness and pick it apart after:
My mom and sis go to see Cher's Vegas show. Why I didn't go is never really addressed. It's the next day and I'm in the car with them. So of course I'm asking about everything. My sis is describing the costumes, sets, etc. when my mom interupts, "Why don't you tell him about bawling at that song so that I couldn't enjoy the rest of the concert?". That is SOOO something my mom would really say. so Sis says, "Well... there was a song she sang that upset me."
hmmm, Half Breed maybe could be a tear jerker if you're biracial but my sis is a Children of the Damned whitey just like me. Gypsies, Tramps, and Theives, a variation on that same theme. Believe may strike a chord if you've been in a string of bad relationships but my sis was happily married. I was stumped.
"What song upset you?" I cluelessly asked.
"Oh it's a new song. It hasn't even been recorded yet."
Ok this is where it gets that chaotic sort of nonlinear weird dream world.
she says, "It's called 'I Pray for Soldiers' and it goes like this.."
as my sister starts to sing. I'm there with her for the first line but then I'm transported to the concert, seeing and hearing what she did.
I pray for soldiers
(then to the concert Cher starts)
That have been taken away-ooow
I pray for soldiers that have been taken away-ow
(moving montage on a jumbo screen of war scenes, machine gun tombstones with dead soldiers boots in front)
I pray for soldiers that have taken away-ow
Taken away, Taken away from me-ah
(image of a baby faced skinny soldier covered in blood with absolute terror in his eyes)
Boys must be older
to go to a bar, just rent a car but
they can be soldiers
just sign on the line
now your ass in mine
It went on for a while. I won't bore you. I should send it to Cher. it was quite moving. so I don't think there is too much obscure symbolism in this one folks. It's the classic "It breaks my heart that CHILDREN are sent off to be human bullet/grenade/missile shields". I'm going to try to keep this brief because 1) the people that NEED to read this don't even read 2) I'm pretty sure I'm preaching to the choir and 3) it's a downer (even with Cher thrown in) and 4) I gotta go to work.
this could get pretty sticky so I'm just going to leave that dream as a anecdote and a thought. It is way more likely that people who support the war do not support the troops and that folks who are anti-war care deeply about the troops.
So speaking of OTT gay icons, Pee Wee Herman was on Jay Leno last night... yowch! the old gray mare just ain't what she used to be. he seemed to be drifting in and out of the persona. lesson one children: COMMIT! not to mention the suit he wore draped. I mean what better time than in the age of Thom Browne than to wear those skin tight, too short suits. it's so chic. so disappointing PWH.
so since I'm new to this during some down time I made a list of possible topics and would love to get feedback in what interests you.
-my foray into the naturalist (aka nudist) lifestyle
-how grindr has changed my life
-heart-breaking yet funny stories from my childhood in the country
-anti-xtian rants these can be divided into several categories
-the fear of even acknowledging race and how the fear creates even more of a chasm between races
-body modification through diet, plastic surgery, tattoos, steriods, etc. and are bodies merely properties that our souls can renovate at will?
-drugs and what if any limits should be put on their legalization
I'm thinking of changing my setting to adult. you just never know when some party pooper will flag you and I don't need the aggravation. I also need to figure out my Halloween costume. My friend Aaron and I had the idea of a very high concept duo of he as Pete Burns from the Dead or Alive "Nude" album and me as Prince from "Lovesexy". we had a good laugh at how exactly we would pull it off. It's probably just an attempt to be naked (gee ya think) I'm going to try to post pics of that look if I can. if I don't figure it out, google the images. They're funny. I'm open to suggestions but if you say Lady Gaga, I may just have to kill you.
p.s. I can't figure out how to post those pics. anyone want to volunteer to give me a quick tutorial? it will make this blog infinitely more interesting.
Childhood, surgery and Grindr have my votes!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to hear your opinions on body modification. And race as I have a few of my own opinions after my 5 or so weeks hanging around country. General rants are always fun. And I have to say it "Lady Gaga".
ReplyDeleteI will be waiting for the death threats.